People fail to realize how much food gets wasted every day. Help conserve resources and ensure that other people will have enough food on their table by following these tips: 

1. Think before throwing food away

Make good use of overripe fruits and vegetables by turning them into smoothies or soups. 

2. Avoid buying in bulk 

This way of shopping is a big contributor to food waste.

3. Bring a shopping list 

Cut on food waste by only buying what you need.

4. Practice FIFO

The first in, first out method helps you prevent food spoilage. Organize your food at home to know which items or food you should consume first.  

5. Preserve and store food properly 

Store fruits and vegetables properly. If you are unsure how to do it, it would not hurt to check with Google. 

6. Come up with a weekly menu

Using a cookbook or watching food tutorials will keep you from guessing on how to prepare a dish. Get the menu right from the start. 

7. List foods that get spoiled at home

If you are not a fan of apples and they only get spoiled, buy fewer next time. 

8. Learn to use the freezer

It might not retain its quality, but at least it will be better than not using the freezer at all. 

9. Eat leftovers

Learning to eat any leftovers that you have stored in the fridge is a way to reduce waste from every meal. 

10. Don’t skip the skin

Eat the skin when you eat fruits and vegetables—these are edible and nutritious. 

11. Eat the seeds

Pumpkins are a good example. Their seeds are tasty and nutritious. 

12. Pack lunch 

Pack your lunch at work to avoid buying food you might not like the taste.

13. Make your fertilizer

Turn scraps into fertilizers for your garden. 

14. Customize your restaurant orders

When eating in a restaurant, you can always tell the staff to leave off ingredients that you do not like to prevent food waste. 

15. Donate what you won’t eat

If there are items you don’t like that are in it, donate them to someone who needs it. 

16. Learn how to pickle

Fruits and vegetables can be preserved when you turn them into pickles. 

17. Clean your plate

Serve yourself what your belly can only take. You can always go back for a refill if you want some more. 

18. Share a dish with a friend

Sometimes restaurants serve portions in big sizes. Share a dish with a friend to avoid food waste. 

19. Take home leftovers

You can always ask restaurant staff if you want to take home your leftovers. 

20. Educate family and friends

It’s not enough that you do your part in preventing food waste. Share what you have learned with your friends and family. 

Food wastage can be inevitable, but there are at least a few ways to minimize it. Simply follow these tips we presented to ensure minimal food wastage as much as possible.

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READkirsten millbank